Every day I open my Facebook to post something amazing and interesting. I can't put my phone on any event or vacation without posting a picture about it. Then, I spend half of the day checking how many likes it got. I open my Instagram and start scrolling through it. First, I see a post from a cousin announcing that he has just graduated from his dream university and has been offered a prestigious job in his related field. Then I read an overly political satire from a sibling. I keep scrolling and see friend's video on some international tours. Next thing, I am started to select my future career, feeling angry about politics, wondering why I can't afford a vacation and with a heavy heart Googling the diet plan.

Wasting my whole time on internet, I started comparing myself with others. I read the comments section of my post. In comment section both acquaintances and strangers share their thoughts on my post. I read those comments carefully and started changing myself according to their ideas. I lost faith in my life and my self-esteem was weakening day by day. My sleeping habits got worse and my dark circles got darker. One day my friend came to visit me. He was surprised and worried about my condition. He took me to a reputed psychiatrist. After my examination, he asked my friend to take me near nature so that I could get fresh and clean air which would help me feel less depressed. He decided to take me to northern areas of Pakistan.

Some time away from the internet, I realized that the people in the villages are really healthy. I knew it was hard for me to stay without internet, but I figured a week away wouldn't be a bad thing. 

In short, after a long distance we have reached our destination. The weather was so beautiful and breath-taking. I realized that my real world is more beautiful and lovely than the virtual world. I was feeling comfortable. All my worries and depressing thoughts started disappearing as I stepped into nature.

Here I met new people. Everything was new to me and captivated my curiosity. The people were very generous and big hearted people. I was exposed to different cultural perspectives. The culture was very unique. I learned many new things that I never knew. Traveling teaches me to value and appreciate cultural diversity, traditions and places. Exposure to green areas and exposure to nature helps us to realize the true meaning of life. It made my body feel pleasant and gave energy to my body. The area was hilly and verdant. Nature was showing its beauty through rivers, sky, meadows, mountains etc. Exploring the meadows, watching the sky, and running on the hills is an irreplaceable memory.

The poor internet connection allowed me to experience the beauty of the real world as I was cut off from my virtual world. I was unable to post things. Hardly anyone cared that I didn't post, or updated my account. The internet was already huge and full of posts and people just read other stuffs. They had their own lives and had other things to do. I was afraid I would miss important news and events. I was afraid that people forgot me. Many will even not ask you to post anything and will never ask if you are alive or not. If I stop being on Instagram or Facebook for even a week, the world isn't going to fall apart. 

This travel was my best travel ever. It totally changed my life. I am very thankful to my friend. Travel allows us to disconnect from people, and even technology, for a while, and to be more connected to our mind and self, leading us to our inner satisfactions peace.



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